Scoliosis Quarterly Electronic Articles--Spring 2014 issue

Spring 2014 Issue

Monday, March 14, 2016

"Symmetry is lifeless."
-Doris Humphrey, American choreographer

When I first read this phrase, it was in a dance composition class in college.  And for some reason, it resonated with me in a very strong way.  Of course, Humphrey was referring to stage patterns and creating dances---the idea that asymmetrical movement patterns are more intriguing, interesting to the eye, and thought-provoking.  But for me, this statement had another level.  I began to realize that to have asymmetry within my own body made myself as a dancer and a person, perhaps more intriguing, interesting to the eye, and thought-provoking!  Keeping in mind this simple phrase helped me accept my imbalances and celebrate my uniqueness.

So today's post is simple, and in effect reflects a lot of what Scoliosis Quarterly is all about: Celebrating imbalances, accepting uniquenesses, and sharing stories and information.  We invite you to read this blog, visit our website, and learn about or perhaps order one of our five issues for more in-depth and exclusive articles, stories, photos and artwork.  We hope you'll join us!


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